Johansson Ryttare, (Farmer
and soldier).
Jakob Johansson is my grandfathers grandfathers grandfathers father, and my grandmothers grandfathers grandfathers grandfather (farfars, morfars, farfars far. Men även min farmors farfars, farfars, farfar).
Or in another way the male line 5 generations back from Anders Hägglund (b
Johansson is his patronymikon, and Ryttare his soldier name (handle).
Ryttare means Rider. He must, however, been infantry at Skellefte companie
of Västerbotten infantry regiment. Rote 43 in the hamlet of Fahlmark. Rote 43
consist of 3 farms, Fahlmark 5 (a farm that he owned 1708 to 1739), Fahlmark 15
and Fahlmark 20. He was soldier in a very difficult time, called stora ofreden,
“the big unpeace”, starting in 1699 and ending in 1719, When Sweden (including
Finland, Estonia and parts of present Latvia, Lituania and northern Germany)
was in war with an alliance between Denmark/Norway, Russia and Poland/Prussia.
It is so far unclear if Jacob participated that much in the fights, his
regiment was, however, involved in most of the battles. The reason, that he
maybe was lucky, is that we can read that he was at home on his “rote” during
the period 1712-1713 and was exchanged as a solider on his rote 1714, as he was
the only farmer left on those 3 farms. The farms that was supposed to support
the soldier. During the period most of the regiment was killed off, several
times, and the region and the country was running out of men. One time was at
the battle of Poltava, Ukraine, 1709, when the regiment as a whole was totally
wiped out. The regimental flag from that battle is still in St Petersburg, in
the church of the Peter Paul fortress. I have seen it myself. Jakob must have
been very lucky! It was not common generally that a “rote-farmer” as in this
case, also was the solider of the rote. This was only the case during this
difficult period, when there was an enormous lack of men.
Jakob was sentenced in 1737 for beating his wife! He was before that
elected or selected as “sexman” (sex means six and has nothing with the other
kind of sex to do), a kind of local politician (one of six in the parish, hence
sex) and police, for the period 1722 to 1724.
Below follows the more formal data and references, in Swedish mostly.
Blev högst
57 år.
Far: Johan
Johansson (1659 - 1707)
Mor: Brita
Jonsdotter (1658 - 1743)
Född: 1688
Ragvaldsträsk 9, Skellefteå (AC)
Bosatt: 1708
Fahlmark 5, Skellefteå (AC)
Soldat: mellan
1712 och 1714-02-12 Fahlmark, Skellefteå (AC). Rote N:O 43 Jacob
Johansson-Ryttare Antagen 1712-00-00 Avgått 1714-02-12 Till: Utbytt.
Mönstringsår m.m; 1712-1713: Har hemmansbruk står hemma i landet.
Död: 1745
Fahlmark 5, Skellefteå (AC)
Barn med :
Margeta Nilsdotter (1686 - 1765)
Barn: Nils
Jakobsson (1710 - 1786), Johan Jakobsson (1714 - 1761), Jakob Jakobsson (1716
-), Brita Jakobsdotter (1720 - ), Margeta Jakobsdotter (1725 - ), Anders
Jakobsson (1727 - ), Malin Jakobsdotter
Noteringar: Jakob
är ende bonden hemma 1713 Jakob döms för hustrumisshandel 1737
Malin gifter
sig med Johan Dyhr. Jakob flyttar till Kalamark, Piteå. Nils tar över gården.
Brita gifter sig 1741 och Margeta gifter sig 1746.
Mål om hustrumisshandel
1722-24, Bonde på Falmark 5, Gamla Falmark 1708-39. Blev högst 57 år.
Far: Johan
Johansson (1659 - 1707)
Mor: Brita
Jonsdotter (1658 - 1743)
Född: 1688
Ragvaldsträsk 9, Skellefteå sn 1)
till: 1698 Falmark 5, Gamla Falmark, Skellefteå sn 1)
Död: 1745
Falmark 5, Gamla Falmark, Skellefteå sn 1)
Familj med
Margareta Nilsdotter (1686 - 1765)
Vigsel: omkring
1687 Falmark 5, Gamla Falmark, Skellefteå sn 1)
Barn: Nils
Jakobsson (1710 - 1786), Johan Jakobsson (1716 - 1761), Jakob Jacobsson (1716 -
1776), Margareta Jakobsdotter (1725 - 1791)
Johansson ägde Falmark 5 1708-39. Han var soldat på roten 43 Ryttare 1719-20.
Jakob Johansson var gift med Margareta Nilsdotter. År 1737 blev Jakob Johansson
dömd för hustrumisshandel. Källa: U.L. Skellefteå sn (1650-1790) s.555
Skellefteå sn (1650-1790) s.555
lfs AI:2 fol. 277 r.4
Skellefteå sn (1650-1790) s.555-556
Skellefteå sn (1650-1790) s.706