The laundry antenna! This afternoon I was not fully aware of the fact that my xyl had done the laundry and that she had put the wet laundry on the clothes line, that is on the same level as the lower part of the two loops for 15 and 20 m, including the feeding points. At the same time I was making QSOs and compared the loops to my vertical. The loops are always 1 to 3 S-units stronger. In SW and NE 3 S-units and in NW SE 1 S-unit approximately, compared to the vertical that is a 1/4 wave on 20 and uses the "multiband properties" on 15 m. There was no difference now. Coming out of the shack I found this situation.
The laundry was hanging extremely close to the lower part of the loops, including the feeding points.
Very well! My next project will be to go to AKI (the nearest hardware store) and procure two 1.5 m pipes to increase the hight of the two poles (from 5 m to 6.5 m) where I hoist the loops. hopefully the lower parts and feeding points will be well above the clothing line, and even better, further away from the wireless internet unit on one of the poles (seen as a short white vertical line parallel to the pole in the background) that generates some noise (some on 15, but a lot on 20!).
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